Deadline for Pre-conference Registration is on 11 October 2013. Participants who register by 11 October will receive the full conference entitlements of conference kit and meals inclusive of 3 lunches and 6 snacks.
Participants who register after 11 October are considered walk-in participants. Due to limited availability of the conference bag and meal provisions, walk-in participants are not assured of these entitlements.
- The Steering Committee
2013 NCSME
Registration Fee: PHP 6,000.00
The registration fee will cover food (6 snacks and 3 lunches) and a kit which includes a book on lesson study.
All accepted contributors are required to register and pay the conference fee.
Limited slots are available, so please register early!
Form of Payment
Form of Payment
- Cash
- Bank check/Postal Money Order payable to FPSMER
- Bank deposit to FPSMER
Account Name: FPSMER
Account Number: 275-830-668-5 or 393932600018
- Download and fill up the registration form or register online (one per participant).
- Pay the conference fee in Cash or Check at any branch of PNB under the:
Account Name: FPSMER
Account Number: 275-830-668-5 or 393932600018
Write clearly on the deposit slip the name/s of participant/s included in the payment
- For those who will use the registration form, paste the machine-validated portion of the PNB deposit slip on the space provided in the registration form.
Fax the registration form to (632) 928-3545 or email to
- For those who will register online, just send a copy of the machine-validated portion of the PNB deposit slip through fax number (632) 928-3545 or email to
- Call NISMED to confirm receipt of your registration form or visit this website to check the status of your registration.
NOTE: Official receipt for payment shall be distributed during the conference. The registration fee is non-refundable unless a letter of cancellation of payment postmarked or emailed not later than 1 October 2013 is received by NISMED.